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Kamis, 19 November 2009

Cara Pindah Domain dari Blogspot ke Co.Cc

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Sebenarnya domain sudah lama keberadaannya, terbukti sekitar 79,208 blogger asal indonesia sudah ikut terdaftar disana. Tapi dari kebanyakan blogger yang mendaftar justru tidak tahu caranya agar itu benar-benar dirubah menjadi

Nah ingin tahu gimana caranya agar domain blogspot benar-benar digantikan jadi Yuk kita coba..

Persyaratan yang wajib ada tentunya yaitu sebuah blog yang berasal dari karena tutorial ini memang khusus buat dan kamu sudah terdaftar di Apabila belum mempunyai account silahkan Daftar Sini atau klik banner dibawah ini (lewat referal aku, gakpapa ya ..?)

CO.CC:Free Domain

Setelah mendapat domain dari maka langkah kita yang pertama yaitu lakukan Set up dengan mengkilik tombol setup ( contoh )

Pilih Zone Records, Pada hosting isikan domain yang baru tadi kamu buat dan pada type pilih CNAME dan pada valuenya isi dengan

Setelah selesai lanjutkan dengan mengkilk set up.. Apabila berhasil maka akan muncul keterangan seperti gambar dibawah ini..

# Sekarang kita kembali ke lalu pergi ke Pengaturan lalu pilih publikasikan
# Klik domain costum
# Klik Beralihlah ke pengaturan lanjut

Sekarang isikan list tersebut dengan alamat domain baru kamu.. lalu klik save..

Biasanya saat melakukan proses ini diperlukan waktu beberapa menit atau beberapa jam dan paling lama sekitar 5 jam. Ok.. Masih ada yang gak bisa..???

Related Post:

(Tips Modifikasi Blog)

Diposting oleh 2 ipa 1

Dalam kesempatan kali ini saya ingin berbagi ilmu tentang Pernak-Pernik Blog. Apakah pernak pernik itu ? Kalau saya meyebutnya sebuah hiasan tambahana atau dekorasi buat mempercantik blog Anda. Dan script code yang dibutuhkan tidaklah banyak seperti saat kita buat Read More yang mana harus edith html-cari kode ini itu-save-pilih format dan bla . . bla . . bla . . kelamaan brow :))

Mulai dari sekarang mari kita coba beberapa dari pernak pernik ini :

Membuat Link Bewarna Pelangi

Kalau anda pernah menjumpai di suatu blog seperti punya saya,maka pada saat anda menempelkan mouse pada link maka akan muncul huruf bewarna-warni seperti pelangi. Ingin tahu caranya ? Mudah kok asal gak nyasar . . :))

Pada Edit HTML kamu cari kode . Kalau udah ketemu letakkan kode ini dibawahnya dan klik SAVE . . jadi dech :D

Tulisan Coret pada Postingan

Udah tahu belum nih maksudnya ? Itu hlo tulisannya yang dicoret kayak underline tapi hurufnya kecorek. Kalau masih bingung coba lihat contoh ini

Price $5Now Free For You

Untuk caranya:

Anda tinggal menambahkan kode

(kalimat yang ingin dicoret)

Tulisan Berkedip (Blink)

Ini adalah trik yang sangat mudah karena anda tinggal menambahkan kode

(tulisan yang berkedip)

Mudah kan ? seperti membalikan telapak tangan :))

Menghilangkan Navbar

Navbar adalah baris pada bagian atas untuk memudahkan kita untuk log-in/log-out. yang biasanya bewarna hitam,biru. Udah tau kan? Kalau gak tahu tanya BatMan aja :))

1.Pertama-tama,masuk ke halaman Dashboard
2.Sesudah itu,klik link Layout,lalu pilih Edit HTML
3.Didalam kotak HTML temukan kode berikut,biasanya letaknya di bagian atas

Blogger Template by
Theme Name: *******(nama template mu)
Theme URI: *********(url template)
Author URI: *********(pembuat template)
Version: 1.0
----------------------------------------------- */

4. Lalu ketikan Kode berikut Di bawahnya

#navbar, #navbar-iframe {
height: 0px;
visibility: hidden;
display: none;

Tips: Kalau navbar ingin dimunculkan kembali. Anda tinggal delete aja tuh script warna ijo diatas. JAdi dech . . . ;)

Itulah beberapa trik yang bisa saya kumpulkan lain kali insyaalloh bisa ditambah. Kalau ada yang kurang jelas silahkan Ym sama gue di aldrix_blinkers

Eh jangan lupa komennya ya ???
c u next time . . bay bay ;)

:)) smile for you

Related Post:

Kirim SMS Gratis Di Internet Tinggal Klik Saja Tanpa Pulsa & HP

Diposting oleh 2 ipa 1

Mau ngirim sms tanpa harus pakai handphone dan juga tanpa bayar pulsa? Ada website indonesia yang memberi sms gratis secara cuma-cuma kepada para pengunjungnya. Di situs web sms gratisan itu kita bisa ngirim-ngirim sms sepuas kita tanpa batas.Kalau dilihat dari sms yang terkirim sepertinya situs ini menggunakan fasilitas pengiriman sms dari operator indosat. Jika kita kirim ke nomer hp kita sendiri, maka terlihat nomor pengirim kita adalah nomor indosat. Mungkin fasilitas pengiriman sms gratis tersebut hanya terbatas pada operator indosat saja dan belum ke semua operator. Coba-coba saja mungkin bisa.

Related Post:

Kirim SMS gratis Lewat Facebook

Diposting oleh 2 ipa 1

Sudah pada tahu kan SMS gratis lewat Facebook ? Kalau belum, kebangetan banget sampeyan. Apa emang gaptek seperti saya ? *hehehe* just kidding... Dari pada SMS lewat Hp pake pulsa, mending pake yang gratisan, iya gak sih ? well ..

Untuk layanan SMS gratis lewat Facebook, kamu hanya perlu menggunakan aplikasi sms facebook yaitu aplikasi ChatSMS.

Cara install aplikasi tersebut yaitu :

1. Login ke akun facebook anda

2. Klik

3. Klik Izinkan

4. Klik Cantumkan Ke Dalam Profil agar aplikasi ini masuk ke profil facebook anda, selanjutnya klik Keep

5. Geserkan sedikit aplikasi tadi dengan cara di drag nama aplikasi ChatSMS

6. Tunggu loadingnya

7. Ganti kode negara dari Singapura menjadi Indonesia

8. Cantumkan No. HP yg akan di kirimi SMS. Angka 0 sebagai awal dari nomor HP diganti dengan +62 (Kode Indonesia).

9. Tulis pesan anda, lalu klik Send SMS

10. Selesai.

Selamat mencoba SMS gratis sampeee puuaaasss !!! ....

Related Post:

Rabu, 18 November 2009

Software Unik - Bikin keyboardmu Berdisko

Diposting oleh 2 ipa 1

Sudah pernahkah juragan juragan sekalian mengenal software Led Keyboard ?? yah, sofware yang bikin keyboard berdisko... h0h0h0,, bukan keyboardnya yang goyang goyang tapi lampunya yang (bagian kanan : Num Lock, Caps Lock, Scrool Lock) itu bisa dibikin kedap kedip layaknya lampu disko saat kita memutar sebuah musik... keren dan gokil bangets.. !!! Mau tahu caranya ?

Pertamaxx : Download dulu disini, file gak gedhe kok cuman 61kb, bila sudah kita instal programnya.

Keduaxx : Software ini hanya bisa berjalan di player music WINAMP [all version], dan tidak berlaku untuk player musik yang laen... heheheh

Ketigaxx : Buka Winamp kamu terus KLIK KANAN >> Options >> Preference ATAU tekan Ctrl+P, maka akan muncul seperti tampilan berikut:

Bila gak kelihatan coba di klik ... !!!

And now PLAY your Music ... !! Keyboardmu bakalan berdansa (istilahnya apa gue juga gak mudeng pokoke kayak gitu :O)

Bila tidak berjalan atau problem silahkan bertanya dibawah ini, with pleasure ;)

Related Post:

Trik Mempercepat Kinerja Windows XP

Diposting oleh 2 ipa 1

Mudah-mudahan ini bisa membantu teman-teman agar windows xp bisa lebih kenceng dan menghasilkan PC yang optimal, Padahal sudah dilakukan berbagai upaya untuk menambah memori dan meningkatkan prosesor. Namun tetap saja, masih ada beberapa proses yang dianggap lambat. (tapi saya masih perlu saran dari para master dan teman-teman). Yang akan kita sentuh adalah sebagai berikut :

1. System Properties
2. System Configuration
3. Registry

1. System Properties

Adalah ruang berisi informasi tentang nama dan organisasi pemilik. Anda bisa membukanya dengan klik kanan pada icon MyKomputer dan pilih Properties . Atau bisa juga dengan menekan tombol Start + Pause Break .

Ada beberapa rahasia yang akan kita obrak-abrik pada system properties ini, sehingga menghasilkan installasi yang optimal. Ikuti langkah berikut :

1. Klik kanan pada icon MyComputer dan pilih Properties . Atau bisa juga dengan menekan tombol Start + Pause Break .

2. Klik menu System Restore , pastikan anda mengklik Turn Off System Restore On All Drives .Ini akan sangat berguna untuk menghalau salah satu cara perkembangbiakan virus.

3. Kemudian klik Advanced .Terdapat 3 menu setting di bawahnya.

* Klik Setting pertama dan pastikan anda memilih Adjust For Best Performance . Lanjutkan dengan mengklik Apply . Tunggu beberapa saat,dan tampilan windows akan berubah menjadi klasik. Tampilan tersebut dapat kita rubah sesuai keinginan kita nanti.

* Selanjutnya klik Advanced , dan klik Change untuk merubah Virtual Memory.
(Virtual memory adalah Space yang dijadikan memory bayangan untuk membantu kinerja memory asli yang biasa kita sebut RAM . Virtual memory ini akan meminta ruangan dari harddisk.

* Pada sub menu Custome Size , terdapat kolom Initial Size . Isikan kolom dengan angka minimal 2 kali jumlah RAM yang anda pasang.

Misalnya anda memasang RAM 128 MB, maka isi kolom tersebut dengan jumlah minimal 256. Dan pada kolom berikutnya isi dengan 2 x kolom pertama. Jangan lupa klik Set . Klik OK dan OK lagi sehingga kembali ke System Properties awal.

* Sekarang, klik menu Setting yang ketiga, anda akan melihat dua kolom yang berisi angka 30. Rubah angka tersebut menjadi 3 . Kemudian buang tanda Ceklis (v) pada Automatically Restart .
* Klik OK setelah selesai.
* Tutup System Properties dengan mengklik OK

Dari hasil otak-atik tadi, tampilan windows terasa amat membosankan. Semuanya serba Classic, seolah-olah bukan Windows XP.Jangan khawatir, itu hanya sekedar tampilan yang bisa kita rubah setiap saat. Caranya :

1. Klik kanan di ruang kosong pada area Desktop dan pilih Properties sehingga muncul kotak dialog Display Properties
2. Klik menu Themes , kemudian pada kolom Themes dibawahnya, klik tanda panah ( Pop up ) dan pilih Windows XP .

Jika sebelumnya sudah terpilih Windows XP , maka pilih dulu Themes lain, kemudian klik panah lagi dan pilih Windows XP . Ini dilakukan untuk memancing tampilan Windows XP yang sesungguhnya.
3. Klik Apply dan lihat hasilnya.
4. Selanjutnya klik menu Desktop , perhatikan di bagian bawah. Disana terdapat sub menu Customize Desktop , klik menu tersebut.
5. Pada tampilan kotak dialog berikutnya, pastikan anda membuang tanda Ceklis (v) pada Run Desktop Cleanup Every 60 Days.
Ini dilakukan untuk menghindari penghapusan otomatis Windows terhadap icon-icon yang sudah dianggap tidak penting, padahal menurut kita masih sangat penting.
6. Klik OK dan OK lagi untuk menutup Display Properties

2. System Configuration

Ruang berikutnya yang akan kita bedah adalah System Configuration . Perhatikan langkah berikut :

1. Klik Start pilih Run dan ketik msconfig kemudian Ok atau langsung tekan Enter

2. Dideretan menu bagian atas, di ujung kanan terdapat menu Startup . Klik menu tersebut.

3. Lihat ke bagian bawah, terdapat sederetan nama dengan masing-masing mempunyai tanda ceklis (v).

Nama-nama tersebut adalah indikasi program yang akan selalu berjalan ketika Windows baru pertama kali tampil. Dan jika kita membiarkan tanda ceklisnya, maka Windows akan sedikit lambat ketika pertama kali proses Loading .

1. buang tanda ceklis pada nama program yang dianggap tidak perlu untuk ditampilkan pada waktu START UP. Kemudian klik Apply

2. Klik OK untuk menutup System Configuration dan klik Restart .

3. Minum kopi, makan cemilan, atau pesen nasi goreng untuk menunggu komputer anda yang Restart.

Setelah komputer Restart dan kembali ke ruangan Desktop , anda dikagetkan dengan munculnya kotak dialog yang tentu saja berbahasa inggris.
Langsung saja klik kotak kecil untuk memberi ceklis pada Don't Show This Massage ….., (dst) kemudian klik OK . Maka kotak tadi tidak akan muncul lagi ketika Windows baru Restart .

3. Registry
Registry adalah ruang Administrator Windows. Keluar masuknya program yang terinstall akan selalu melapor terlebih dahulu ke Registry .

Berikut ini adalah directory yang terdapat di Registry yang akan kita obrak-abrik


Yang akan kita sentuh adalah bagian a dan b . Ikuti langkah berikut :

1. Klik Start pilih Run dan ketik regedit , klik OK atau langsung tekan Enter
2. Klik tanda plus (+) pada HKEY_CURRENT_USER
3. Klik tanda plus (+) pada Control Panel
4. Klik tanda plus (+) pada Desktop

( Perhatikan jendela sebelah kanan pada posisi Desktop. Terdapat sederetan String yang cukup memusingkan dan tentu saja berbahasa Inggris. J . Cari dan temukan MenuShowDelay . Jika sudah ketemu, klik dua kali dan rubah nilainya dari 400 menjadi 0, kemudian klik OK )

5. Sekarang kembali ke jendela sebelah kiri

6. Dibawah directory Desktop terdapat sub directory WindowsMetrics . Klik sub directory tersebut dan perhatikan jendela sebelah kanan.
7. Cari dan temukan MinAnimate , klik dua kali pada value tersebut dan rubah nilainya menjadi 1 , klik OK .

Sekarang tutup Registry dengan tombol Alt + F4 atau dengan mengklik tanda silang ( X) dibagian atas kanan jendela.

Restart Komputer anda dan lihat hasilnya. 


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Diposting oleh 2 ipa 1

Membuat "Folder Lock" Tanpa Memakai Software

Bagi yang suka otak-atik komputer, gak ada salahnya untuk mencoba trik yang satu ini. Trik ini saya dapatkan dari sebuah blog Mungkin sudah banyak yang tahu, tapi gak ada salahnya dunk untuk di ulas kembali.

Cara kerja cukup mudah dan simpel. Semua pasti bisa membuat folder lock. Adapun folderlock ini nanti akan mengunci dan memp-password sebuah folder anda, dan hanya andalah yang bisa membuka. Yuk mari kita coba:

1. Copy Paste kode ini kedalam notepad

if EXIST "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}" goto UNLOCK
echo Serius nich mau di Kunci ??(Y/N)
set/p "cho=>"
if %cho%==Y goto LOCK
if %cho%==y goto LOCK
if %cho%==n goto END
if %cho%==N goto END
echo Masukkan Y atau N
ren Locker "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"
attrib +h +s "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"
echo Foldernya dah Terkunci
goto End
echo Silahkan Masukkan Kunci Gemboknya..
set/p "pass=>"
if NOT %pass%== password goto FAIL
attrib -h -s "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"
ren "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}" Locker
echo Selamat, Folder Sudah Terbuka
goto End
echo Coba Nyuri ya..
goto end
md Locker
echo Locker Berhasil di Buat
goto End

* tulisan warna biru : ganti dengan sebuah password yang anda inginkan

2. Simpan kode tadi dengan extensi *.bat - misalkan folderlocker.bat

3. Bila sudah, klik 2x file *.bat maka akan muncul sebuah folder "LOCKER"

4. Masukan Folder/Data/File yang ingin anda sembunyikan kedalam folder "LOCKER" tadi

5. Bila anda sudah yakin dengan semuanya, sekarang klik lagi file *.bat, maka akan muncul tulisan "Serius nich mau di Kunci ??(Y/N)" ... Bila anda pilih Ya, maka tuliskan Y dan tekan enter.. begitu juga sebaliknya.

6. Secara otomatis, file "LOCKER" tadi akan hilang beserta isi didalamnya. Gimana ? Mudah Bukan ?

7. Dan bila anda ingin membuka folder tadi, klik file .*bat dan masukan password yang telah anda tentukan.

Related Post:
Diposting oleh 2 ipa 1

Pernakah anda ingin suatu apa alamat IP suatu web yang sering anda kunjugi?Ada satu cara agar kita bisa tau alamat IP suatu situs/web..

1.cara melacak alamt IP suatu situs

untuk melakukan hal ini tidak diperlukan suatu software khusus cukup menggunakan
fasilitas yang telah disediakan oleh windows.Kita bisa menggunakan Dos.

masuk ke comand prompt. anda bisa klik Run-cmd-dan ketikkan ping Nama situs yang ingin dilacak lalu tekan enter.Setelah anda tekan enter,maka akan
tertera alamat IP situs tersebut.
ex: ping - trus tekan enter
maka font berwarna merah adalah alamat Ip web tersebut.

Microsoft Windows XP [Version 5.1.2600]
(C) Copyright 1985-2001 Microsoft Corp.

C:\Documents and Settings\glouzien>ping

Pinging [] with 32 bytes of data:

Reply from bytes=32 time=586ms TTL=44
Reply from bytes=32 time=471ms TTL=44
Reply from bytes=32 time=1020ms TTL=44
Reply from bytes=32 time=2200ms TTL=44

Ping statistics for
Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),
Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
Minimum = 471ms, Maximum = 2200ms, Average = 1069ms

2.Melacak lokasi server(real address)

Setelah anda mendapatkan IP address situs tersebut.Andapun bisa mengetahui dimana lokasi negara dan kota situs tersebut berada.Caranya buka
Lalu masukkan IP address situs tersebut atau alamat situs tersebut.andapun akan mendapatkan informasi lengkap tentang lokasi situs tersebut.

dari tips diatas, semoga kita bisa mengambil manfaat dan penulis tidak bermaksud untuk mengajarkan tentang cracker. namun inilah fakta technologi yang harus kita ketahui.

Related Post:
Diposting oleh 2 ipa 1

Mengatasi Koneksi Lemotz/Lambat pada Smart

Sekedar berbagi pengalaman. Karena selama ini koneksi internet dirumah cuma pakai dial-up dan yang paling setia menemani ku adalah dan hanya SMART, maka sedikit berbagi tips supaya koneksi tetap stabil. Karena kalau ditempat saya gini, walaupun sinyal gak putus-putus namun terkadang koneksi lambat dan pedhot (putus) sering terjadi. Maka ada sekelumit biar semua berjalan dengan mulus.

1) klik START => RUN => CMD

2) ketik ping -t -l 1


Keterangan: bisa anda ganti dengan yang lain, seperti:, , etc

-t dalam arti disini trace, jadi terus minta data ke server sononya..

-| 1 : sebagai long byte ( jumlah data yg dikirim ) agar bandwith selalu terjaga.

lumayan lah buat menstabilkan koneksi diap-up SMART

selamat mencoba__________________

Related Post:
Diposting oleh 2 ipa 1

Cara Hack Facebook .... ?? Bisa Kok

Cara Hack Facebook - Inilah cara hacking facebook paling mudah yang pernah anda temui. Sebenarnya perlu kita garis bawahi bahwa istilah "Cara Hack Facebook" ini cuma seledar embel-embel biar bahasanya kelihatan gaul. Kenapa gue bilang kayak gini ? Karena kalau orang bilang, "gue bisa nyuri password dia, atau gue bisa curi chip poker si A". Naah maka biar orang gampang untuk menyebutnya, dipakai istilah gaul "gue bisa hack facebook ". Terserah daah kalau loe pada setuju apa nggak. hhehehe.. *peace*

Baiklah,.. untuk berbagi ilmu yang semoga ilmu ini tidak disalah gunakan. Maka gue bakalan ngajarin ke loe, gimana cara "mengetahui password atau email facebook seseorang dengan pakai trik lawas." Tapi sebelumnya gue mau kasih gambaran kepada loe semua. Bahwa hacking ini bersifat gak begitu 100% BISA dan BERHASIL. MEngapa ??
Karena trik yang gue gunakan disebut dengan istilah FAKE LOGIN.

Namun kalau loe pernah nemu software buat hack facebook mending jangan loe pakai, kecuali mau menerima resiko. Pasalnya tuh software yang kebetulan di blog ini juga ada, software hack facebook. sangat menyakitkan. Gimana tidak ? Lah ternyata yang buat software di selipkan virus nenek moyang seperti trojan, backdoor, sality, worm, pokoknya banyak banget. Maka dari itu saran gue bagi yang mau meng-extract software ini jangan pernah di komputer kamu sendiri, kecuali pakai alat pengaman kondom deepfreeze atau apalah. Atau solusi baiknya di warnet aja. hehehe..

Kembali ke permasalahan FAKE LOGIN, jadi cara gampangnya, bahwa alamat itu diganti dengan alamat/url lain dan nanti tampilannya tetep sama kayak facebook, inilah yang kita sebut sebagai FAKE LOGIN. Coba perhatikan link dibawah

fesbuk aspal

apa yang kamu lihat ? facebook asli kan ? yaps.. tapi itu aspal.. dan jangan coba login disitu.. email sama pass loe bakal gue raib.. hahha... *yah gaklah bro, gak tega gue-

sekarang permasalahan tentang trik FAKE LOGIN, coba ente nalar. Kalau si korban udah high master alias senior atau mungkin malah hacker/cracker, mana mungkin cara basi ini bisa tembus.. Namun gak papa.. mungkin aja nanti korban loe orang gaptek dan gak ngerti dunia hacking, kayaknya peluang pasti ada.. hehhee..

Terus cara kerja bagaimana ??

Cara kerja dari fake login tidak perlu ruwet dan ribet. Karena kalau loe bisa dapetin korban alias mangsanya, maka email + pass bisa loe dapatin dengan mudah dan santai. Namun ada satu syarat bro.. !! Alamat yang ente gunakan harus alamat/url yang telah diramu menjadi fake login. Seperti yang punya saya ini fesbuk aspal. Terus kalau si korban sudah login disana, cara melihat email + password dimana ? hayooow .. ?? ente tinggal klik see my password. Gimana ? apakah tertarik untuk mencoba dan ingin membuatnya ?

Related Post:

Rabu, 01 Juli 2009

Diposting oleh 2 ipa 1

Cyberlink YouCam 3.0.1811.7429
Posted by admin

YouCam offers five types of video effects to put the zing into everything you want to say:

Animated 3D Avatars - Make the walls in your house echo with laughter. They're cute, they're hilarious, and they blink, yawn, and nod as you do.
Emotion Effects - Produce creative effects on the spot. YouCam features a library of over 20 objects so you can express your feelings instantly. More effects are available for free at

Frame Effects - Just like a photo frame, these effects add a theme to photos or videos. Choose a style to match your conversation.

Filter Effects -Change the tone of the conversation using popular TV-like effects.

Distortion Effects - Recreate the fun of your own Coney Island with YouCam's range of eleven distortions. Simulating distorting mirrors, these effects instantly make you appear bigger, thinner, or just weird!

Drawing Tools - Make video chats way more expressive by creating designs directly on your video. Select a brush or a stamp and give your buddies a good laugh by drawing on your video. Choose colors, shapes, and sizes. Instantly wipe off the stamps and drawings you don't want with the eraser tool.


Related Post:

Rabu, 18 Maret 2009

See Password 2.05 | 5 Mb

Diposting oleh 2 ipa 1

When a password appears on screen as a series of asterisks or dots, you simply view it through SeePassword's magnifying glass to reveal the actual password text. SeePassword has no problems with passwords stored by Internet Explorer -- all the sites will yield their secrets. SeePassword provides users with an easily applied retrieval tool for forgotten passwords.


Related Post:

PerformanceTest 6.1

Diposting oleh 2 ipa 1

Fast, easy to use, PC speed testing and benchmarking program
Performance Test enables you to objectively benchmark a PC using a variety of different speed tests then compare the results to other computers.
Twenty five standard benchmark tests are available in six test suites plus there are five advanced testing windows for custom benchmarking.

Standard test suites:

- CPU tests Mathematical operations, compression, encryption, SSE, 3DNow! instructions and more
- 2D graphics tests Drawing lines, bitmaps, fonts, text, and GUI elements
- 3D graphics tests Simple to complex DirectX 3D graphics and animations
- Disk tests Reading, writing and seeking within disk files
- Memory tests Allocating and accessing memory speed and efficiency
- CD / DVD test Test the speed of your CD or DVD drive

Advanced configurable tests:

- Advanced Disk
- Advanced CD / DVD
- Advanced 3D graphics
- Advanced Networking (for Ethernet, Internet and Wireless)
- Advanced Memory
- Advanced Multi-taskin.


· Comprehensive online help
· Supports hyper-threading, and multiple CPUs testing
· Detailed disk speed graphs
· Supports printing results
· The ability to save your benchmark results to disk as a new baseline
· A customizable "Notes" field for storing your own information along with the saved Benchmark result.
· Support for copying the results to other applications (eg. MS-Word)
· Export results to HTML, text, GIF, and BMP formats
· Single test execution, execution of a test suite or execution of all tests with a single mouse click.
· A summary 'Mark' figure for each test suite plus the calculation of the PassMark Rating figure.
· An easy to use point and click interface
· A summary system information screen including CPU type, CPU speed, Total RAM, Video Hardware, Cluster size, etc..
· The ability to compare the performance of your computer to multiple 'Baseline' computers at the one time

Windows 2000, XP, 2003 Server, Vista.

Download :

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East-Tec Eraser 2009 9.0.1

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East-Tec Eraser 2009 protects your privacy, identity and confidential information and removes all evidence of your computer and online activity. Eraser exceeds U.S. Department of Defense standards for the permanent erasure of digital information when erasing your Internet history, Web pages, pictures, unwanted cookies, chatroom conversations, confidential documents you want to get rid of or files deleted in the past.

East-Tec Eraser 2009 completely destroys information stored without your knowledge or approval: Internet history, Web pages and pictures from sites visited on the Internet, unwanted cookies, chatroom conversations, deleted e-mail messages and files, temporary files, the Windows swap file, the Recycle Bin, etc.

East-Tec Eraser 2009 works with all your favorite browsers (Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Netscape Navigator, America Online, MSN Explorer, Opera) and securely deletes all your Internet history, visited web pages and images (Temporary Internet Files or cache), address bar locations, unwanted cookies, and more.

East-Tec Eraser 2009 cleans Yahoo Messenger, MSN Messenger, AOL Messenger, ICQ, Outlook and Outlook Express, Mozilla Thunderbird, Eudora, Limewire, Morpheus, Kazaa, Windows Media Player, RealPlayer, Winamp, Google Toolbar, Microsoft Office, Norton Antivirus, ZoneAlarm, WinZip, WinRar, Download Accelerator, and many more.

East-Tec Eraser 2009 speeds up your computer and programs, deletes thousands of unnecessary and temporary files and frees up a lot of valuable disk space.

Key Features and Benefits:

* Destroy all evidence of your online activities: Clean Web Sites, pictures, movies, video clips, sounds, e-mail messages, chat room conversation history, AutoComplete, etc.
* Destroy sensitive data from your computer: Clean traces of the documents and pictures you've recently accessed, and make sure that the files you are deleting are really gone
* Remove cookies placed on your computer by Web sites. Keep only the cookies you approve
* Supports the most popular Web Browsers: Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, America Online, MSN Explorer, Opera, Netscape Navigator, etc.
* Supports all types of popular programs such as Messenger, Email, News, Player and P2P Programs
* Very secure erasing: meets and exceeds the U.S. Department of Defense standards for the permanent erasure of digital information

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Selasa, 10 Maret 2009

Registry Clean Expert v4.63

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The Windows registry is a database repository for information about a computer’s configuration. The registry keep growing when you use Windows. As it does so, it attracts obsolete and unnecessary information, and gradually becomes cluttered and fragmented. With the growing of the registry, it can degrade the performance of the whole system and cause many weird software problems.

Registry Clean Expert scans the Windows registry and finds incorrect or obsolete information in the registry. By fixing these obsolete information in Windows registry, your system will run faster and error free. The backup/restore function of the tool let you backup your whole Windows Registry so you can use it to restore the registry to the current status in case you encounter some system failure. Besides above, the startup and BHO organizer feature let you manage your startup and IE BHO items with ease, and you can control the programs started with Windows and IE more handy with this feature!

Feature highlights include:
• Scan Windows registry and find incorrect or obsolete information in the registry.
• Fix the obsolete information in Windows registry with this Registry Cleaner and boost your Windows performance.
• Make backups for Windows Registry.
• Restore Windows Registry from previous backup.
• Manage the programs started when Windows starts up with the Startup Organizer.
• Manage the IE BHOs with BHO organizer.
• Remove Spyware, Adware and Trojan hidden in your startup items and BHOs.
• Registry Compact and Registry Defrag.
• Built-in Tracks Eraser for privacy protection.
• A user-friendly interface makes it easy for anyone to use Registry Clean Expert.

Registry Clean Expert supports Windows Vista, XP, 2003, 2000, ME and 98. (For Vista and XP, both x86 and x64 version are supported)


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Ashampoo Movie Shrink & Burn 3.02 | 19 MB

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Ashampoo Movie Shrink & Burn 3 resizes and converts your digital movies and video clips to other formats quickly and with very high quality. It can also burn your videos to DVDs, Blu-Ray discs and video CDs that are compatible with the player in your living room.

You just select the target device type (DVD Player, Computer, PDA, Internet) and then choose the format you want to use and the maximum file size. Ashampoo Movie Shrink & Burn 3 takes care of everything else for you.
You can convert clips and movies to share them with your friends, to play them on mobile devices and for uploading to YouTube and other video sites. You can also convert non copy-protected DVD videos to other more compact formats and burn your converted videos to DVDs, video CDs and Blu-ray discs....and much more!


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Corel VideoStudio Pro X2 v12.0.98.0 Incl Keymaker-CORE FIXED

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Corel VideoStudio® Pro X2 Ultimate is a complete digital media solution. Edit standard- or high-definition video with templates or hands-on creative tools. Share your movies on Blu-ray Disc®, DVD or iPhone®, or upload directly to YouTube™. Edit audio professionally, copy and convert video, and watch movies with WinDVD® 9 Plus Blu-ray!

VideoStudio is easy-to-use video editing and disc authoring software for creating professional-looking videos and slide shows. Produce complete movies with the time-saving Movie Wizard or use easy editing tools. Share your creation in any format from DVD to mobile phones to the latest high-definition home theater systems. Even upload directly to YouTube™ to let the whole world in on the fun.

* Grab photos and video from anywhere – camcorders, cameras or TV
* Edit with the easy Movie Wizard, or with hands-on professional editing tools
* Make movies pop by adding titles, music and special effects
* Create movie & slideshow discs to share with family and friends


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Alphacom v7.0.2.8 | 1.69 MB

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Powerful - yet inexpensive - multi-session terminal emulator for Windows 98SE/ME/NT and above (including Vista). Supports SSH/Telnet/direct RS-232/Modem connections with Linux, ANSI, IBM3151, Wyse 50/50+, Wyse 60, SCO ANSI, VT52, VT100, VT102, VT220 emulation.

Features include dynamic font sizing, free LPD and pass-through printing support, Euro compatibility, multi-protocol file transfer, international character set and keyboard support, ActiveX developer toolkit, scrollback buffer, web browser integration, highlights and activates URLs, OEM readiness, online help, finger, host lookup, ping, traceroute, and time client.

Please see the descriptions of the new features below:

* Vista Ready
* Enhanced ActiveX Interface
* Improved SSH Features
* Enhanced OEM - For solutions providers.
* Improved LPD and Pass Thru - Including USB printer support.
* Intelligent Session Restore - Local port reuse.
* Plus - Auto reconnect, limit session windows, and more!



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Vector Magic Desktop Edition 1.08 | 10Mb

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What are the benefits of Vector Magic Desktop Edition? The Desktop Edition puts the power of Vector Magic - with all of its benefits - right on your desktop. Vectorize as much as you want, without the need to upload or download any images, and with a host of extra features.


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Pixplant v1.2.16 Sofware and Photoshop | 3.30 Mb, 2.49 Mb

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Perfect seamless textures in seconds PixPlant is a smart texturing tool that creates high quality seamless textures from plain photos. Based on ubiquitous photos, PixPlant will add an unlimited choice of realistic textures for your projects: just pick an interesting photo, run PixPlant and get a perfect seamless texture.
Save Texturing Time: PixPlant reduces to almost zero the time and repetitive work of preparing tiling textures and backgrounds.
Diversify your Textures: With PixPlant you can quickly turn photos into usable textures, adding realism, variety and value to your projects.
Benefits for 3D visualization, architecture and games:
- Quickly create unique seamless textures, horizontally and/or vertically tiled.
- Based on real-life photos, PixPlant generates realistic textures without the complication of procedural texture generation tools.
- Avoid repeated texture surfaces by creating larger textures with less repetition.
For graphics and multimedia design:
- A creative "image alchemy" tool: create high resolution, high quality images with the same characteristics as the photo sources.
- Easily create unique images that can be used as backgrounds, patterns or brushes.
- Expand or complete existing images by adding detail from themselves or from other images.
PixPlant includes the following features:
- Create textures from almost any photo, thanks to advanced straightening and seed pattern controls.
- Highly automated with most textures created in 1-4 clicks. And high performance with usually a few seconds per texture.
- Generate complete images or refine and expand existing ones. Out-select parts of the seed image for fine grain control.
- Carefully designed easy-to-use interface with interactive help and fullscreen tiling preview.
- Available as a standalone application and as a plug-in for Photoshop and compatible applications.


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Helium Music Manager v2009.0.0.6535 | 11.5 MB

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Command an army of songs You can take control of your music collection. Stop spending time looking for files on your computer or hunting through CDs, vinyl records and tapes - instead, simply enjoy and explore your music!
Helium Music Manager can replace your ripper, player, tag editor and other audio related software.



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VSO ConvertXtoDVD v3.2.3.81 Multilanguage

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ConvertXtoDVD (formerly DivXtoDVD) is a software to convert and burn your videos to DVD. With ConvertXtoDVD and in a few clicks you can backup your movies to DVD playable on any home DVD player. ConvertXtoDVD supports most popular format such Xvid, MOV, VOB, Mpeg, Mpeg4, MP4, AVI, WMV, DV and stream formats. It converts your files into a compliant DVD Video set of files and burns it on a DVD media. The aspect ratio can be automatically selected or forced to a specific format. The program works for NTSC and PAL video formats and creates chapters automatically. Multiple audio tracks are supported. Version 2 uses a completely rewritten interface with subtitles support and a lot of new settings.


* Video formats supported: avi, divx, xvid, mov, mkv, flv, mpeg-1, mpeg2-, mpeg-4, nsv, dvr-ms, tivo, ts, ifo, vob, asf, wmv, realmedia, rm, rmvb, ogm, existing files from digital camcorders, TV/Sat, capture cards, etc. No external codecs needed like avi codec download
* Create DVD menus with different templates available, possibility to add background video, image or audio, have chapter and audio/subtitle menus
* Conversion advisor wizard, control of the conversion speed vs. quality
* Fast and quality encoder, typically less than 1 hour for converting 1 movie, and supports Multi-Core processors!
* Included burning engine with burn speed control choice of SAO or packet writing methods, supports all DVD formats
* Custom and or automatic chapter creation with markers and preview window
* Advanced file merging possibilities
* Audio formats supported internal and external: AC3, DTS, PCM, OGG, MP3, WMA and more...
* Subtitles files supported internal and external: SRT, .SUB/IDX, .SSA with color and font selection, and supports tags like italic, bold
* Video output for video standard (NTSC, PAL), TV Screen (Widescreen 16:9, Fullscreen 4:3) and DVD Resolution (Full D1, Boradcast D1, Half D1, SIF), or choose automatic for all choices listed above. Also convert video from NTSC to PAL or PAL to NTSC
* Video post processing settings like video resize-pad/cropping and de-interlacing options
* Multilingual support
* Optimized for Windows 2000 / XP / Vista

ConvertXtoDVD - v3.2.3.81

some fixes

- 0002362: [Bug] No subtitle frames are encoded (wesson)
- 0002357: [Feature Request] add .MTS file extension support ( sony Sony HDR-TG3E ) (wesson)
- 0002213: [Bug] Wrong timer in VTS_0x_0.IFO when adding longer subtitles than movie duration (wesson)
- 0002353: [Bug] v3.2.2.78 ?eta: Access Violation when trying to access the Merge Window (wesson)
- postproc.dll removed as unused
- new burning SDK 3.0.1

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Acoustica - All Audio and Cd Mixer

Diposting oleh 2 ipa 1

Acoustica™ specializes in audio and music recording software. We believe that software should be easy-to-use! Whether you want to burn your own audio mix CDs, record your cassettes or LPs to CD, convert audio files, make beats or record your own music, Acoustica has the software product for you!

The collection includes:

Acoustica Audio Converter Pro 1.0 b23
Acoustica Beatcraft 1.02 b13
Acoustica CD-DVD Label Maker 3.03
Acoustica DJ Twist & Burn
Acoustica Mixcraft 2.51 b55
Acoustica Mp3 Audio Mixer 2.471
Acoustica Mp3 CD Burner 4.32
Acoustica Mp3 To Wave Converter PLUS v2.5 b23
Acoustica Spin It Again v1.1.0 b30



Download : part 1

part 2

part 3

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Dr.Explain 3.1.205 Advanced Edition | 12.7 MB

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Make help files and on-line manuals for Windows software, Web sites, Java and Flash applications The Dr.Explain will analyze the structure of your software interface and will generate help topic drafts for it automatically. If you are a Web developer, then the HTML parsing capabilities will help you quickly document all significant parts of your Web site as well. It doesn't matter what technology or tools you used to design your software GUI. The Dr.Explain can make help documentation for any solution.


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Mobile Master 7.3.2 Build 3006 | 15 MB | RS

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Mobile Master is a Cell phone and handset manager for Windows and synchronizes with a few mouse clicks your contacts and appointments between the handset and your computer. Edit and synchronize calendar entries (appointments and tasks). Send, read, archive SMS Note: the SMS Servant is included in the Mobile Master installation but requires an extra license. Logo-Editor, modify ring tone. Copy Station for transmitting your address book easily from one phone to the other. Mobile Master Agent: reach always the important functions easily and start e.g. Mobile Master automatically as soon as your mobile phone is connected to the PC.

- Mobile Master is a handset manager to edit manually or synchronize automatically or on demand
- Quick area for quick and easy access to the main functions
- Comfortable editing of the phone book, calendar and note items
- easy to use user interface
- Setup Wizard for easy configuring
- Copy files, >music, photos
- SMS send, archive
- Copy the address book, calendar from one phone to another
- At least one update per month for the phones and devices
- Copy play lists from iTunes and WinAmp to the phone

System requirements

* Windows Vista, XP, XP 64bit, 2000, (with Vista 64bit not yet fully tested)
* 800Mhz or faster
* 30 MByte available space on hard drive
* Connection to the phone by cable, infrared or Bluetooth
* Screen resolution at least 800 x 600 with at least 65535 colors
* Or an Intel Mac with Parallels Desktop or VMWare Fusion.


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Ultimate Boot CD 5.0 Beta 9

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Anvsoft Flash Slideshow Maker Pro 4.88

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Anti-Trojan Elite v4.3.0

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FileDownloader 4.04 (Download from RS,MU & many more..)

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Ok i am back with the file u loved d most..
This file contains the perfect softwares n procedure in detail with which u can simply download unlimited files from Rapidshare, Megaupload, Letitbit , depositfiles n many more...


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Vir2 Instruments syntAX VSTi DXi RTAS AU [1 DVD] | 700 parts | 4085 Mb

Diposting oleh 2 ipa 1

A massive, expansive, and complex collection of electronic textures, the core of syntAX is a 2000+ patch synth library covering an immense amount of synth territory, including soaring leads, evolving pads, thick basses, harsh distortions, unusual textures, other-worldly atmospheres, FX, hits, blips, and more.

Introducing syntAX...part synth, part interactive sonic revolution. A massive, expansive, and complex collection of electronic textures, the core of syntAX is a 2000+ patch synth library covering an immense amount of synth territory, including soaring leads, evolving pads, thick basses, harsh distortions, unusual textures, other-worldly atmospheres, FX, hits, blips, and more. Then syntAX blazes into new territory with its custom scatterFX engine which allows real-time manipulation and interaction with the syntAX core library. scatterFX is made up of two components: scatFX and stepFX. scatFX gives you unprecedented control over rhythmic stuttering, allowing you to program, play, and command rhythmic patterns of syntAX. stepFX functions as an advanced step modulator allowing you to melodically animate pattern-based arpeggiations. Both scatFX and stepFX lock to tempo and can be controlled by numerous external MIDI controllers, making the synth completely interactive. syntAX goes far beyond where synthesizers have gone before. With a massive core library (designed by the renowned sonic sculptors at Bunker 8 Digital Labs) that goes far beyond traditional synthesis types, and an easily tweakable engine that multiplies the possibilities, syntAX is a new breed of synthesizer that puts the power in the hands of the synth enthusiast. syntAX is complex synthesis, but effortless creation.

* Over two thousand different synth patches across a wide variety of folders: Arp Attacks, Atmospheres, Basses, Distortions, FX and Hits, Leads, Pads, Phat and Filtered, SyntOrchestra, and Textures
* 3.6GB of 24-bit samples
* The revolutionary scatterFX engine available in all patches
* Remote control of many sonic parameters, including scatterFX and envelope controls, available via MIDI CC
* Independent control of scatFX and stepFX modules
* Resonant filter controllable via modulation wheel
* 16 Preset slots to save custom scatterFX settings
* All rhythmic operations instantly tempo-sync to sequencer hosts
* Customizable input quantization
* Multitimbral operation, supporting up to 64 simultaneous instruments loaded (subject to RAM availability), receiving up to 64 MIDI channels (16 in plug-in mode)
* Kontakt Player 2 engine, supporting standalone operation as well as plug-in operation in all major hosts that support AudioUnit, VST, RTAS, or DXi plug-ins
* Special upgrade pricing to the full version of Kontakt 3, which allows for fuller editing of the instruments.


Pass: magesy

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Thanksoft Mask Surf Standart 2.7 & Pro 2.0 | 6.9 MB

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Pro Description:
Mask Surf Pro is an easy to use anonymity tool based on a technology called Tor. Mask Surf Pro makes good use of the array of encrypted Tor tunnels and distributed servers and offers you an unparalleled level of protection. It will be an ideal solution for experienced users who need the features of the standard edition and yet would like to be more flexible in terms of controlling specific aspects of their online activities.

Standart Description:
With Mask Surf, you can easily mask or hide the information related to your OS type and version, browser, system language, as well as the IP address that you are working from. In its work, Mask Surf relies on Tor – a network of virtual tunnels that allows people and groups to improve their privacy on the Internet. If you are looking for simple, affordable and 100%-reliable solution for anonymous surfing, make sure you don’t miss Mask Surf!.


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