Game Snowy the Bear's Adventures
Armed to the teeth with snowballs, our fearless Snowy is turning evil monsters into large balls of snow and ice. But this charming bear doesn't want to do any harm, he simply wants to get back home to the Arctic and collect as many prizes on his way as possible. And with your help, he can do it...but don't worry! All of the monsters will be defrosted afterwards, and no white bears will get hurt.
GoodGame :]
All Snowy games are good x;
I thought I'd never like these type of games at first, but this, kinda surprised me i guess . . .
best game
I love this game. If you like running and fighting then i am sure you will like it.
Disappointed after having enjoyed Snowy's Lunch Rush
After playing Snowy's Lunch Rush, I thought I'd look into Snowy's other games. Boy have I been disappointed. They are aren't at all like Snowy's Lunch Rush (similarity to Diner Dash) but more like a frogger type game. If you like Frogger, you will like this, but before purchasing, know that your game isn't saved, you only get to play for as long as you want, and that score is saved, you must start all over again the next time around.
Download link (Full Version): Here
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