English Column on Blog 2 ipa 1
Assalammu'alaikum wrb............halo tmn semuanya pa kabar???????????????????...........
Ngemeng-ngemeng tadi pagi nak2 ipa 1 ngambil nilai speaking lho!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tapi karna banyak yg belum ngambil nilai jadinya nilai speaking expressions asking opinion and
answer opinion and satisfaction and dissatisfaction ditunda sampai hari sabtu............
Tmn2 pasti banyak yang ragu ya tentang dialogue nya????? karna aq ge baik hati ni aq kasih
examplenya.....Ivan : Hello en
Hendris : Hello van, How are you??
Ivan : i'm find and you?????
Hendris : I'm find too...................
Ivan : How you feel about your weekend????
Hendris : I'm so happy about that.....because i enjoy on the weekend because me and my friend climbed merapi mountain........ How about your weekend??????/
Ivan : I'm not enjoy on the weekend because i always stayed at home and i got fever
This is my dialogue with my classmate hendris putra,i hope teacher give a excellent report but it
is impposibble from me
Ok my friend i give the (key word) to make short dialogue satisfaction and dissatisfaction
Satisfaction (Key Word) Dissatisfaction ( Key Word)
1.i'm really satisfied 1. i'm really dissappointed
2.i'm so happy about it 2. i'm not satisfied
3.i like all together 3. i'm not happy about that
Ok my friend i give one more example dialogue:
On the market ( situation or place)
Peter : Nicky, is that you??
Nicky : Yes,i am. And are you are peter????
Peter : Yes,i am long time no see,By the way i have hungry how about go to cafe tukinem?
Nicky : But i'm sory peter i'm not satisfied about menu on cafe tukinem???? How about go to incim restaurant???
Peter : Sure i satiesfied about menu on incim restaurant,i like beef sausage it's really nice
Nicky : mmmm....it'so yummy but i like roasted beef,ok peter let's go to incim restaurant
Peter : ok let's go
This is My example about satisfaction and dissatisfaction dialogue..........i hope my
friend satiesfied about my masterpiece...i'm sory if i write the inccorect word.....(Creater blog 2 ipa 1 is the human)
......last word assalammu'alaikum wrb......see you next time
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